CamPlus - Your one stop guide to Cambridge UK
Your one stop guide to Cambridge

CamPlus Cambridge Photo Sharing Gallery

Free online photo sharing gallery for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire, UK. If you have any questions, please use the contact us page.

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St John's College Chapel1891 viewsWordsworth's 'abiding place' of first court included a thirteenth century chapel which formed part of St John's Hospital and predated the College. The outline of this chapel can still be traced in the grass, but it is now within Sir George Gilbert Scott's majestic chapel of 1869 that worship takes place. 22222
(35 votes)
Gonville and Caius College2242 viewsGonville and Caius College22222
(36 votes)
Cambridge Market1704 viewsMarket in central Cambridge22222
(31 votes)
Queen's College, River Cam and the Wooden Bridge2089 viewsThe main College site sits astride the River Cam, the two halves joined across the river by the famous Mathematical Bridge - more correctly called The Wooden Bridge.22222
(30 votes)
Cambridge Corn Exchange1626 viewsCambridge Corn Exchange11111
(22 votes)
Emmanuel College Chapel2144 viewsEmmanuel College Chapel11111
(31 votes)
Sunset man with hat.jpg
Crowd1563 views11111
(23 votes)
1178 views11111
(22 votes)
Christ's Piece Tree Walk1216 viewsChrist's Piece Tree Walk11111
(20 votes)
Nickel Creek - Sara Watkins.jpg
Nickel Creek1185 views11111
(17 votes)
Emmanuel College Westmorlands Buildings Large Tree1743 viewsEmmanuel College Westmorlands Buildings Large Tree11111
(28 votes)
Trinity College Great Court2308 viewsThe beauty and size of Trinity's courts attract visitors from all over the world.11111
(33 votes)
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